Marine GPS navigation system and how it helps new age travellers?
The marine GPS is a necessary addition to the arsenal of required equipment. What is GPS? It refers to the global positioning system. It is an extensive network of satellites that orbits the earth and that is developed by the military for navigation. It can help pinpoint the exact position of who is accessing signals and the time. The GPS unit would enable the below 1. Determining the location in a precise way 2. Moving to the destination 3. Voyage planning means planning the route before the travel When are Marine GPS navigation systems helpful? This system helps if you are boating on a large water body or one with many inlets and you are lost. They are valuable especially if you are sailing within an ocean where disorientation or getting lost is possible. The GPS technology is useful during the trips and can help avoid accidents/collisions which could lead to the damage of a ship or cause injury or death of the boaters. The GPS...